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OSHA 10/30hr $110.00

Price: $110.00 10 books
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This OSHA  training Manual can be used for either the 30 hour or the 10- hour course.   This manual has  262 pages

This manual is divided in two section
First 10 chapters to be used for the OSHA 10 hour course
or use  all chapters for the OSHA 30 hour course 

This OSHA 30-hour Construction Industry Outreach Training is designed for anyone in the construction industry. The course is specifically made to meet the requirements for safety directors, forepersons, and field supervisors. This all-inclusive training program provides essential safety information on OSHA compliance issues. recommends these training programs. These programs serve as an orientation to occupational safety and health for those covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.                                                          There are specific hazards to construction jobs that workers are required to undergo training for their safety and everyone on the job site.

OSHA 10-Hour Construction

OSHA 10-Hour Construction training is designed for entry-level workers in construction, demolition, building development and other fields in the construction industry.                                             
Certain employers, unions, states and other jurisdictions require OSHA 10, but OSHA considers it a voluntary program.

NOTE: email for a discount on an initial curriculum

Item Number: B7A
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