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Lead Supervisor - 15 books U of Cin $150.00

Price: $150.00 15 books
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Lead Supervisor Student Manual (289 pages)

This Lead Supervisor textbook and curriculum were developed by University of Cinncinnitti for the EPA for the use of either state or                                                   federally approved trainers to provide guidance for those who are about to undertake a Lead-Based Paint Abatement project.

This book contains the following chapters: History, Regulatory Review, Legal & Insurance Issues, Health Effects of Exposure Medical Surveillance Site Characterization Safety and Health Plan, Other Safety & Health Considerations,   Protective Clothing & Equipment,  Employee Information & Training,  Project Management, Respiratory Protection,  Lead Hazard Reduction,  Strategies  Sampling for Lead & Post Abatement Clearance,   Waste Disposal , Community Relations Process  and Building Components

For a discount on the initial curriculum email : Don at

Item Number: B7E
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