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Mold Remediation & Assessment 30 books

Price: 1 Case (30 books) $275.00
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MOLD Assessment & Remediation

            This book is designed for those who want a thorough understanding of the techniques used on mold inspection and remediation projects (such as workers, inspectors, HVAC, restoration and environmental contractors, consultants, facility managers, insurance adjusters, attorneys, etc.). This course will prepare the student to face the challenges of the inspection and solving of small and large-scale complex mold assessment and remediation projects.

This book is not a legal mandate and should be used as a guideline. Currently there are no Federal regulations for evaluating potential health effects of fungal contamination and remediation. This manual is subject to change as more information regarding fungal contaminants becomes available.  Check with your state for current regulations.  Louisiana, New York and Texas now requires license of Mold assessors and remediation workers.

The available science is incomplete and sometimes controversial. Although there are several available guidance documents, there is no accepted national standard. Validated methods to measure contamination are still in their infancy, and even when measurement techniques are available, there are no clear benchmarks or standard values against which to compare the results. Similar scientific uncertainties exist in the medical diagnosis of mold-related health effects.

NOTE:  State accreditation requirements vary from state to state and additional materials may be needed for accreditation. 

Item Number: B5G
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