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New York Code 56 Regulations 24 books $198.00

Price: NY Asbestos Regulations 24 books $198.00
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Asbestos New  York State Asbestos Code 56

The New York state Division of Materials Management regulates the transportation and disposal of friable asbestos-containing waste and construction and demolition debris in New York State (NYS).
There are two types of asbestos-containing waste -
1. friable
2. non-friable.

The Solid Waste Management Facility regulations define friable asbestos-containing waste as any waste containing greater than one percent asbestos that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry; and any asbestos-containing waste that is collected in a pollution control device designed to remove asbestos. This definition does not include friable asbestos-containing wastes that are discarded by a household.

Wastes that contain more than one percent asbestos but are not easily reduced to powder are not considered friable asbestos-containing waste but instead may be considered residential waste, construction and demolition debris, or some other waste type depending on the source. Examples of wastes that may contain asbestos include:

• Roofing shingles
• Floor and ceiling tiles
• Plaster and wallboard
• Insulation from buildings, pipes and boilers


Item Number: B7C
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