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Asbestos Operation & Maintenance Curriculum

Price: $399.00 Includes 5 books
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This  curriculum course  (4, 8 or 16 hour) is intended for personnel who will disturb small amounts of asbestos as a result of routine or emergency maintenance or repair work.

The course covers health effects, work practices, personnel protective equipment, regulations and other topics per EPA and OSHA guidance.

The focus is on conducting safe, small scale disturbance of asbestos using appropriate work practices and protective equipment.

Guidance for the delivery of 'hands on' modules and conducting participatory activities is included.. 
Curriculum package includes ppt slides, 5 student manuals, student agenda, instructor's outline, regulations, student quizzes, student final exam, case studies, and certificate.
Train employees to be aware of the hazards of asbestos & learn how to protect themselves.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Where there is exposure, employers are required to further protect workers.

NOTE: This curriculum may be changed to meet specific recomedations of the customer)
Item Number: Du Quoin
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