OSHA's Silica Rule is now in effect. There are significant changes which impact our industry. ehsMaterials.com is offering a training curriculum to prepare your customers for compliance.
This OSHA training curriculum includes: 1 student manual, agenda, regulations, ppt slides, videos and a certificate template.
These curriculums were developed to train construction trade workers about respirable crystalline silica, fall protection and confined space
the Silica cukrriculum includes: background and history, hazard recognition, health effects, control strategies, (e.g. exposure limits, housekeeping, written exposure control plan, medical monitoring, training and recordkeeping).
OSHA says that the training requirement for the new respirable crystalline silica final rule is performance-based, meaning that during an OSHA inspection compliance will be judged based on an employee’s ability to demonstrate knowledge of the new rules. With this in mind, OSHA states that “the employer shall ensure that each employee…can demonstrate knowledge and understanding
The 111 page student manual includes materials which comprise the core curriculum for the Silica In Construction, a one or two-day training course.
The materials may be used for non-commercial, instructional, and educational purposes only.
NOTE: check with Fall Protection and confined space curriculums for addition information
Questions: info@ehsMaterials.com